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5 Best Trampoline Basketball Hoops for 2025 (Updated)

Discover the best trampoline basketball hoops for 2025! Our expert picks are your key to hoop heaven. Features, warranties, pricing and more!

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5 Best Trampoline Basketball Hoops for 2025 (Updated)

If you’re looking to get the most out of your trampoline, then buying a basketball hoop is one of the most intriguing options to “level up” your trampoline.

The question becomes: Which trampoline basketball hoop should you buy?  

At Springfree Trampoline, we pioneered the world’s safest trampoline and have gained invaluable knowledge during our 20 years as a springless trampoline inventor and manufacturer.

This includes all the different ways to make your existing trampoline flourish beyond its basic form.  

Because of the many trampoline basketball hoops out there, we want to use our expertise to provide you with five of the best options that will give you the greatest “bang for your bounce.” 

After reading this, you should feel confident in making an informed decision about which trampoline basketball hoop is most suitable for your trampoline. 

Top 5 Best Trampoline Basketball Hoops 

Let’s go through a few important notes on how this list was crafted before getting to it: 

  • This list is in no particular order. 

  • This list was made from an unbiased and honest perspective. 

  • The design of the hoop, its features and verified user reviews were the main determining factors for inclusion on this list.  

  • In full transparency, we are putting our product on this list because we believe it stacks up with the best trampoline hoops out there. 

Important Note #1: The type of hoop you buy will mostly be influenced by the trampoline brand you have.

If you already have a trampoline, your best, and likely only, bet will be to buy the trampoline hoop from your trampoline manufacturer. Most major trampoline manufacturers will offer hoops as an accessory. 

Important Note #2: If you don’t have a trampoline yet, don’t let the basketball hoop be the deciding factor. You should go with the safe trampoline that fits properly in your yard and provides the best design for you—because at the end of the day, the basketball hoop is just an added accessory. 

Important Note #3: Just because a trampoline hoop is not listed, doesn’t mean it’s not a good product. However, the five on this list stood out the most from the competition.  

With all that out of the way, let’s jump into the list! 

  1. JumpFlex PROJAM Basketball Hoop 

Jumpflex Basketball Hoop.


  • Attaches to the trampoline safety net 

  • Comes with a 1-year warranty 

  • Comes with a soft basketball and pump 

  • Flexible with no hard edges 

  • Hoop diameter of 11.81 in  

  • Backboard diameter of 35.4 in x 23.6 in 

  • Age recommendation: Ages 6 and up 

  • Hoop is only compatible with Jumpflex Trampolines 

  • If using the hoop, you will need to take down your trampoline’s sunshade or cover. 

Cost: $119 

Photo courtesy of JumpFlex. 

  1. Skywalker Trampoline Double Basketball Hoop Accessory  

Skywalker Double Basketball Hoop. 


  • This Double Hoop is made for 15’ round Skywalker Trampoline models. 

  • Attaches to the enclosure poles of the trampoline. 

  • Flexible enough to turn toward the inside and outside of the trampoline. 

  • Features a unique hook-and-loop attachment.  

  • Meets all ASTM standards (American Society for Testing and Materials.  

  • 2 foam basketballs included. 

  • Age recommendation: Ages 6 and up 

Cost: $104 

Photo courtesy of Skywalker Trampolines. 

  1. Springfree Trampoline FlexrHoop 

Springfree Trampoline Basketball Hoop. 


  • Hoop designed with no hard edges.  

  • Flexible and soft; made with the same materials as a Springfree Trampoline

  • Includes ball and pump. 

  • Features an adjustable backboard. 

  • Hoop comes with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty; ball includes a 3-month manufacturer’s warranty. 

  • Can be included on all Springfree Trampoline models? 

  • Age recommendation: Made for both kids and adults; no age range specified.  

Cost: $249 

Photo courtesy of Springfree Trampolines. 

  1. Vuly Basketball Set 

Vuly Basketball Hoop. 


  • Compatible with all Vuly Trampolines and swing sets (requires an adapter for Vuly 360 Pro Swing Set). 

  • Cannot be installed on a trampoline that has a shade cover attached. 

  • No tools needed for installation; you just remove the net pole plug and insert the hoop pole. 

  • Comes with free mini basketball and pump.  

  • Features a breakaway, soft-cushion rim. 

  • Warranty information was not found for this Hoop. 

  • Age recommendation: Not listed. 

Cost: $199 

Photo courtesy of Vuly. 

  1. JumpSport Elite Proflex Basketball Set 

JumpSport Basketball Hoop. 


  • Hoop is designed for use with JumpSport and AlleyOOP Safety Enclosures-; does not work with JumpSport SkyBounce or other brands.   

  • Solid backboard with spring-loaded cushioned 11” metal rim. 

  • Attaches to the JumpSport or AlleyOOP Safety Enclosure pole. 

  • The pole extension and extra-wide nets help guide the ball back onto the trampoline. 

  • 4 ProFlex springs help to support intense play similar to a regular basketball hoop. 

  • Comes with a 5” inflatable basketball.  

  • No warranty information was found. 

  • Age recommendation: Not listed. 

Cost: $199 

Photo courtesy of Amazon. 

Which Trampoline Basketball Hoop Is Right for You? 

Now that you’ve seen the best trampoline basketball hoops available, which one is right for you? 

Well, when you’re talking about trampoline hoops, you must first have the trampoline itself. If you have a trampoline and are content with it, find your manufacturer’s website and see if they have a trampoline hoop (most will).  

Our best advice is to purchase the one from your manufacturer to ensure the hoop is compatible with the trampoline.  

The five trampoline hoops listed in this article stood out the most, but in general, the hoop is an added component to the overall trampoline. 

And while there will be differences in basketball hoops across trampoline brands, they shouldn’t make or break your purchase if you don’t have a trampoline yet.  

This brings us to our next point: If you don’t have a trampoline, then you will want to look at which trampoline model is right for you.  

How do you do that, though? Let’s discuss in the next section: 

Which Trampoline Is Right for You? 

To get the best trampoline for you, you need to consider the following before purchasing: 

  • What trampoline size do you need? 

  • Who will be jumping on the trampoline?  

  • What type of trampoline do you want (spring-based or spring free)? 

  • How safe is the trampoline? 

  • What else could you use the trampoline for? 

  • Can you keep the trampoline up all year? 

  • What is the trampoline cost

Your answers to these questions will be your guide to getting the right trampoline, and accessories—like the trampoline basketball hoop—in your yard. 

Check out our free Augmented Reality (AR) Tool and/or Model Selector Tool if you're looking for resources to help in choosing your next trampoline! 

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